What is Pinterest & How to sign up

This Course will help you understand Pinterest, what it's all about, and why you use it.

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Pinterest's Terminology - Pin & Board

  1. Creating A 'PIN'
  2. Creating A 'BOARD'


Well, it is all about Pictures, I know you can put videos on now, but originally it's Pictures.

You see, you can't really push a pin through a video, and try to stick it to a board, can you.

Now that is what you do with a picture, it is like pushing a pin through your picture to hang it onto a board. So you put lots of pictures that you like, could be your own personal collection, or if its for your Business, then pictures that will get the audience liking what they see and then clicking on the picture, that then sends them to your website, then they buy. (Hopefully)

Still Confused?

You See, the pictures that you put on, you attach your Website URL to it, or it might be an Affiliate link, to an item that you are an Affiliate for. Now when someone clicks on your Picture the attachment does its work, and sends them to where you want them to go!

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